This website is operated by SC STRONG MND CORPORATION, legal user of the SPARTAN BRAND, with headquarters in Sfântu Ilie village, Şcheia commune, 64 DEALU CRUCII street, SUCEAVA county, registered in the Trade Register under no. J33/947/2012, fiscal code no. RO30852551, IBAN RO70BTRL03401202M27810XX, opened at BANCA TRANSILVANIA, legally represented by Mr. GAFINCU DUMITRU CIPRIAN, administrator and conventionally represented by av. ZOIȚA DUMITRU DANIEL.
In these Terms and Conditions, reference to SC STRONG MND CORPORATION SRL means SPARTAN and vice versa.
This document sets out the terms and conditions of use of this website and the programming conditions, through this website (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”).
The USER shall read the Terms and Conditions carefully before using this website and carrying out any operation through it.
The Privacy Policy, the Reservation Policy, the Cookie Policy, as well as any other policies or documents referred to in this document, are part of these “Terms and Conditions”.
By accepting the “Terms and Conditions”, the USER also agrees to the SPARTAN Privacy Policy, as well as all other Policies, guidelines applicable in the online environment, as well as all laws and regulations in force.
If the USER does not agree with these “Terms and Conditions”, he is asked not to use this website.
SPARTAN reserves the right to modify the “Terms and Conditions” at any time.
Any changes to the Terms and Conditions will only be effective for new accesses or visits to the site, recorded after the publication of the respective changes on this website. Thus, the USER is asked to check the section related to the “Terms and Conditions”, before each operation, because it is possible that changes have occurred since the last visit.
THE USER will make sure to return to this page periodically to ensure that he is familiar with the most recent version of these “Terms and Conditions”.
THE USER can determine when the “Terms and Conditions” were last updated or modified, by reading the mention located under the title “SPARTAN Terms and Conditions”, mention called “updated on ….”
To the extent that there is a conflict between these “SPARTAN Terms and Conditions” and other additional and special Terms and Conditions presented on the site, the additional and special “Terms and Conditions” will prevail.
These “Terms and Conditions” apply to all websites owned and/or operated by SPARTAN, including but not limited to the website on which the Terms and Conditions are posted, as well as their mobile versions, social networks and applications (collectively, the “Site”), as well as the services available on or through the Site (“Services”).
These “Terms and Conditions” shall apply to all accesses or visits to the site.
In the present “Terms and Conditions”, the terms below shall have the following meaning:
CUSTOMER – the customer of SPARTAN Restaurants;
COMMUNICATION – means any form of communication intended to promote, directly or indirectly, the services, image, name or denomination, company or emblem of the entities united under the SPARTAN brand name;
COOKIE – means a small file, generally made up of letters and numbers, which is downloaded into the memory of a computer (or other equipment used for online browsing – mobile phone, tablet, etc.), when the user accesses the website used in order to ensure faster and easier interaction between users and websites;
PERSONAL DATA – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable person is that person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity;
SPARTAN – means the brand name under which the company S.C. STRONG MND CORPORATION S.R.L is presented, as well as its collaborators and partners;
LINK – means a reference, link, navigation element in an electronic document to other parts of the same document, other documents or sections of other documents, to which a user is sent when accessing the navigation element;
NEWSLETTER – means a periodic newsletter communicated by SPARTAN to its users who have expressly consented to receive such communications, and which includes news, information about activities, projects,